Friday, December 21, 2012

A Slice Of: Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami is an intoxicating blend of madness and consistency. The insanity of the game's story combines with it's neon aesthetic and electronic soundtrack to create a sense of disorientation, which in turn provides an excellent contrast to the simple design and precise, responsive controls.

Monday, December 17, 2012

cakewalk - Natural Selection 2 [Marines]

This week's cakewalk has a look at the Marines team in Natural Selection 2. If you've yet to watch the Alien overview from the last cakewalk, that's here.

Let me know what you think!

Friday, December 14, 2012

A Slice Of: FTL

Faster Than Light (FTL) is equal parts space simulation, strategy game, and choose-your-own-adventure. However, beyond all of that FTL is indie done right. Subset Games, (FTL’s developers) were careful with their scope, created simple and clear mechanics, and sprinkled in enough general difficulty and diversity to keep the game feeling fresh long past the first play-through.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

cakewalk - Natural Selection 2 [Aliens]

Episode 2 of cakewalk is up! This time I'm looking at the Aliens team in Natural Selection 2.

Click through for 1080p.